I hate myself ...!aarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh ....! njaan bhayangara Show Offf aanu ...! why am i not happy any more ...! i get a feeeling i...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013..angry
Tuesday, August 27, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
njaan bhayangara Show Offf aanu ...!
why am i not happy any more ...!
i get a feeeling i'm ruining my self ....!
very much unproductive ....!
RNBQ is getting shaped up well , hence feels good ..!
but it isn't what i want ...!
i miss my bike ..!
i miss my late night classes ..!
i hate for being so lazy ...!
i need to change ....! clam down myself ..!
jus calm yourself down .. ! i need someone to tap on my shoulder and say dude u r doin good work ..!
fuck .... things are getting into personnel level .. which i hate the most ..!
prioritise things.. make a to do list...! and execute it by merit that's all u got to do ..!
Life is just so awesome ...! I never thought i would really do it ..! but yes .. after all god has something in store for me...! it ...
Saturday, August 10, 2013So an absolute amazing day
Saturday, August 10, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
Jyothisham For Dummies First of all , i'm just a Novice here .. but i'd love to share what i've read and learned about Jyoth...
Tuesday, June 04, 2013Hindu Jyothisham for Dummies (Gochara phala)
Tuesday, June 04, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
Jyothisham For Dummies
First of all , i'm just a Novice here .. but i'd love to share what i've read and learned about Jyothisham and how the astrologers are arriving at conclusions as we happen to read in various magazines and newspapers..
- Get the position of your moon at the time of your birth
- If you know your പിറന്നാൾ its easy, Ok, Mine is Uthram 3/4 so my Moon sign is Kanni Rashi or as in malayalam (കന്നിക്കുര് ). Keep that in mind..
- If you don't know your പിറന്നാൾ , its not that difficult https://www.jaatakam.com/
Here is a link , jus enter your time , place of birth and it gives you your birth chart and also your പിറന്നാൾ - Each of these rashi's or കൂറ് can be called houses , and In my case my Moon is in Kanni rashi as i'm born in Uthram nakshathra. The Rashi's or Zodiac signs can be treated as a Housing Colony with 12 Houses.(for the sake of simplicity). And the Houses have to be numbered so we start counting from the place where moon sits. for me its kanni rashi so kanni rashi is my House 1
(This Image is for a person with ashwathi, bharani, karthika(1/4) nakshathra as there കൂറ് is Medam (മേടം) hence there numbering is as shown in figure )
But for me its Kanni so instead of 6 in the image it will be 1 , തുലാം will be my House 2 , വൃശ്ചികം will be my house 3 etc ... what i meant is the counting starts from the house your Moon is placed .. - Now we need to get the present day planetary position . For that we can Use the same tool used before https://www.jaatakam.com/ ... and enter current Date, place (let time be anything)... we don't need the position of all planets what matters most is position of Jupiter and Saturn.
Else we could easily get current planetary position from our Malayalam calender ,in top corner of calender there will be somthing similar as shown in image below. ..
Well here As means ascendent or (ലഗ്നം ) in malayalam.
Mo - moon (a person born today has revathi nakshathra and kooru is meenam)
Ke- Kethu (Planetary node { well i actually don't really know to explain it soo ignore ..})
Su - Sun (രവി)
Ma - Mars (കുജൻ )
Ve- Venus (ശുക്രൻ )
Ju- Jupiter (ഗുരു)
Me- Mercury (ബുധൻ )
Sa- Saturn (ശനി )
Ra- rahu (Planetary node (again not an expert to explain it .. )
this is the planetary position at the time of me writing this post ...note the position of Major planets ie SATURN and JUPITER (these are considered major planets cause they are slow moving and hence have more pronounced effect during a set time period
here ...in My case for ഉത്രം nakshathara , Saturn is in my House 2 and Jupiter is in my House 10 ..
Hope u guys got it ... ! well okk i'll give another example for തിരുവോണം nakshathara people, Jupiter is in House 6 and Saturn is in House 10

- So we got in which of our houses the Jupiter and Saturn are transiting at the moment
the rest is simple just interpreting is all we got to do ...
well ... some houses are bad while some are good ... the transiting effects of Jupiter and saturn are explained in previous posts ...!
for Saturn http://jithinjkumar.blogspot.in/2013/06/sanis-gochara-phala-during-transit-of.html
for Jupiter http://jithinjkumar.blogspot.in/2013/06/jupiter-transit-effect-through-various.html
for Venus http://jithinjkumar.blogspot.in/2013/06/venus-transit-effects-through-various.html
for Mercury http://jithinjkumar.blogspot.in/2013/06/mercury-transit-effects-through-various.html
for Mars http://jithinjkumar.blogspot.in/2013/06/mars-transit-effects-through-various.html
That's how astrologers get to make some wonderfull predicitons... note .: SATURN n JUPITER gives more pronounced result ...
Similarly other planets do give but not to that extent as other planets take less than 30 days to move from one house to another. Jupiter takes about 1 year and Saturn take 2 years and 5 months to move from one house to another
THE GOCHARA EFFECT OF MARS ( MANGALA OR KUJA) During the Gochara period of Mangala through Janma Rasi, 1st House the native will suffe...
Tuesday, June 04, 2013Mars Transit Effects through Various Houses ( Kujan gochara phala)
Tuesday, June 04, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
During the Gochara period of Mangala through Janma Rasi,1st House the native will suffer from bodily afflictions and will meet wit obstructions in all the undertakings.When Mars transits through the second house from natal moon the native will be troubled by the government ( King in olden times ) , and will have enemies who will cause trouble, will unnecessarily quarrel with others , fall sick, will suffer from biliousness, will meet with accidents through fire, even if the person is like Devendra.
When Kuja transits through the third house from the Janma Rasi. The native will be conferred benefits through thives and poor people, will be energetic, will be authoritative , will have plenty of wealth including mineral wealth like Gold etc by the grace of Lord Subrahmanya.
When Mars transits through the 4th house from the natal moon, the native will suffer from stomach problems, fever, unnecessary bleeding through bad association of friends and might suffer from disease in genitals.
When Kuja transits through the 5th house from the Rasyadhipa in horoscope the native will suffer from enmity , will become angry unnecessarily , will suffer from ill health, will be aggrieved by the
conduct of off springs, and suffer loss of energy.
During the transit of Mars through the 6th house from the natal moon, the native will be free from danger, free from fear of enemies, free from quarrels. Will possess gold, coral, copper etc. and will be able to keep his head up always.
When Mars traverse through the 7th House from the Natal Moon, the native will have frequent quarrels with his/her spouse, will suffer from eye disease and stomach problems.
When Kuja moves through the 8th House , the native will become weak through bleeding, will suffer from loss of wealth and honour, will suffer from mental depression, will suffer from blows from others and thereby loss of blood and defeat.
When Angaraka moves through the 9th House , the native will suffer from humility, will lose wealth , will lose his/her gait due to ill-health, loss of fluids from body and hence become weak and loss of wealth.
When Mars is in transit through the 10th house from the Natal Moon, the native will earn profits and will be able to counter ill-effects.
When Mars transits through the 11th house, the native will be conferred with all riches, will succeed in all attempts, will be able to command respect , power and authority over all countrymen, and will be elevated as the head of a village.
When Mars moves through the 12 th House from the natal Moon, the native will suffer from lot of expenditure, will lose immovable properties, and will have to face the wrath of women , might suffer
from jaundice or such bilious problems, eye problems etc even if he is the Head of the Deva Loka.
Monday, June 03, 2013Mercury transit Effects through various houses (gochara phala for budhan)
Monday, June 03, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
When Mercury transits through the house where moon is situated 1st House in the Horoscope, The native will lose his wealth through cheats and thieves, tale-bearers, thieves , one’s own foolishness, will have plenty of enemies, will not even get a gesture of kindness from others, will be
misunderstood by relatives, Loss of wealth through all means etc.
When Soumya moves trough the second house from the natal Chandra, the native will suffer humiliation but will earn wealth, general prosperity and high influence.
When Mercury moves through the 3rd house from Natal Moon, the native will acquire new friends, will run away due to fear of the King i.e. Government due to their own wicked deeds, and will be full of enemies.
When Mercury moves through the 4th house from the natal moon, the native’s relations and especially the family will prosper, will gain wealth, and the family along with the native will progress well.
When Budha moves through the 5th house from the Rasi where Chandra is situated in the horoscope, the native will have quarrel with his/her wife/husband and children and will not be able to enjoy
conjugal relation.
When Budha transits through the 6th house from the natal Chandra, the native will become very popular among others, will prosper, will become wealthy, will succeed in all his efforts, and will et promotion etc.
During the Gochara of Budha through the 7th House from the natal moon, the native will lose his prestige, and will indulge in frequent quarrels.
When Mercury transits through the eighth house from the natal moon, the native will get lot of wealth, prosperity, increase in learning, pleasure of having children, good clothes, mental peace , victory in all attempts etc.
When Soumya transits through the 9th House from the Natal Chandra, the native will meet with obstacles in all attempts and suffer from diseases.
When Budha transits through the 10th House from the house where Chandra is situated in the horoscope, the Native will destroy all his enemies, will be bestowed with a good and beautiful and wealthy wife , will hear sweet words etc.
When Mercury transits through the 11th House from the natal moon, the native will be , very happy and jubilant , will bestowed with wife ,children , wealth, good friends, and will get vehicles etc
.When Budha moves through the 12th House from natal Chandra, the native will be troubled by enemies, will suffer from diseases , and due to this will not be able to enjoy marital bliss etc.
GOCHARA RESULTS OF BHRIGU SUTHA ( SHUKRA or VENUS ) During the transition of Shukra through the natal Moon ( 1st House ) ,the native wi...
Monday, June 03, 2013Venus Transit Effects through various Houses
Monday, June 03, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
During the transition of Shukra through the natal Moon (1st House ) ,the native will be conferred with all sorts of erotic requisites, like perfumes etc, will be conferred with good coats and mattresses, will be blessed with house property, good and tasty food , a good wife or life partner, and as the result the native will resemble the honey bee on the lotus after drinking the honey and getting intoxicated with all pleasures.
When Venus moves through the 2nd house from the natal moon, the native is destined to get children, will become wealthy and be bestowed with royal or Government favors, all round prosperity for the family, gems, flowers, ornaments and wealth. Even if the native is in his/her middle age will be able to enjoy full sexual pleasures. There will be happiness for all family members.
During the Gochara period of Shukra through the 3rd house from the natal moon,The native will be bestowed with authority and position, lot of wealth, honor and prosperity, good clothes and his / her enemies will be destroyed. The native will command honor and respect as others will listen to him/her words and obey.
When Venus transits through the 4th house, the native will command power and strength by associating with friends and reconcile with relatives and will prosper.
During the transit of Shukra through the 5th house from the natal moon, the native will be bestowed with favors by elders and Gurus ( teachers ), meet relatives whom the native has thought as lost for
ever, acquire new friends and relatives, plenty of wealth, will beget a child and lot of prosperity.
When Shukra transits through the 6th house from the natal moon, the native will be suffering from diseases, suffer from humiliation and troubles from enemies, mental torture and there by be a person like slave.
During Venus’ transition through the 7th house from the natal moon, the native will be liable to face disasters from opposite sex. When Venus transits through the 8th house, the native will acquire
house properties, servants, a very rich spouse, and will be happy and enjoy sexual pleasures. The native will acquire ornaments and household utensils.
When Shukra moves through the 9th house from the Natal Moon, the native will perform many religious functions, get their children or relatives married, lot of wealth, clothes and their long awaited liberal and charitable action will end in fruition.
The movent of the Planet Shukra through the 10th house from the natal Chandra is not very good. The native will suffer from insults, quarrels etc. However, he/she will utter few words but will have more and more enemies, and will suffer dishonor due to it.
When Shukra transits through the 11th House , the native will be endowed with lot of friends, wealth, perfumes, good food and favours from relatives.
During the transition of Venus through the 12th House from the natal Chandra, the native will gain wealth, good garments etc. The native is liable to get wealth through different sources. However the native is also liable to lose some of them later.
SANI’S GOCHARA PHALA In My earlier Blog post I've mentioned about Kandaka shani , Ezhara Shani etc .. this is jus the elaboration o...
Monday, June 03, 2013Saturn Transit Effects or Gochara Phala of shani
Monday, June 03, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
In My earlier Blog post I've mentioned about Kandaka shani , Ezhara Shani etc .. this is jus the elaboration of same thing ..
During the transit of SANI through the 1st house i.e the Natal Chandra, the native will suffer from burns by fire or by intake of poison by any means, will be separated from their family and relatives, will earn the name of murderer by killing one of their relatives, will be a constant wanderer, seeing their face itself will be disliked by others, will become poor and will lose health.
When SATURN moves through the 2nd House from NATAL MOON, the native will lose all happiness, pride and vitality which leads for a good appearance, and even if he/she earns wealth, will not be sufficient for her/his use.
When Sani moves through the 3rd House from the natal Chandra, it will fetch for the native, wealth, slaves, attendants , household animals like horse. Cows etc, will have sound health, will be free from ailments and even if the native is a coward by birth, will be able to suppress his/her enemies and all efforts of the native will succeed.
When Saturn moves through the 4th House from the natal moon, the native will be separated from his/her spouse, relatives and friends, will not be able to earn wealth, will have a wicked, crooked and sinful mind and will quarrel with all.
When Sani moves through the 5th House from the natal Chandra, the native is liable to be involved in litigations and will lose his/her wealth and children.
When Saturn moves through the 6th House from the natal moon, the native will be able to successfully get rid of their enemies, and will be cured of the diseases the native suffers will be cured and will get a charming better half.
When Saturn moves through the 7th House from the natal moon, the native will have illicit intimacy with even the servants, will wander away from their houses and go to distant places.
When Sani moves through the 8th House from the natal Chandra the native will be with out spouse and children ( This can be divorce also ) will get entangled in performing mean activities and will never get help from others at the time of crisis.
When Saturn moves through the 9th house apart from getting into similar problems as given above, the native will drift away from his/her religious duties, liable to suffer from heart disease, will be liable to be imprisoned , hated by friends and relatives and all others.
When Saturn moves through the 10th house although will get some work will lose his/her health/wealth.
When Sani moves through the 11th house from the natal moon the native will get wealth, fame and authority, will become aggressive in nature, will be attracted by others wife/husband and will have intimacy with opposite sex.
When it moves through the 12th house from the natal moon the native is liable to suffer from all sorts of miseries.
The Above excerpts are not mine... I found it from a PDF file which i happend to browse through
hope it clarifies the transit effects of Shani or Gochara phala of Saturn
Monday, June 03, 2013Jupiter transit Effects through Various Houses
Monday, June 03, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
When transits through the natal moon ( 1st House ), the native will lose wealth, will lose his position , will be having a depressed mind , and will have to face frequent quarrels.
When Jupiter transits through the second house, the native will get wealth through different sources, will be free from enemies, and as a bee does with a lotus will sport with the mouth of his/her beloved.
When Jupiter moves through the third house from the natal moon, the native will suffer loss of wealth, position, and their undertakings will be ruined , can also expect some changes in their
When Jupiter transits through the 4th house from the natal Chandra, the native’s relations will give all sorts of trouble and will not get peace of mind either in the ouse , village or even in the forest.
When Jupiter transits through the 5th house, the native will be bestowed with lot of servants, will perform auspicious rituals, will beget children, elephants, horses, gold, house properties, will get married, will get gold, and will acquire vehicles etc.
When Jupiter transits through the 6th House from the natal moon, the learned men say that even the sight of the thilak on the forehead of the native’s wife will not be appealing to the native if he is a man and if the native is a lady, she will be disgusted in just seeing the husband.Even the forest which is filled by the sweet voice of Koyal, and peacock will be disgusting to the native. The native will be unhappy with everything in life. Even the native might become a slave and degraded.
During the transition of Jupiter through the 7th House from the natal Chandra, the native , will be conferred with fine bed, will get erotic pleasure, lot of wealth, good and tasty food, flowers, garlands etc, vehicles, will be endowed with intelligent eminence and will be able to convince others with their speech, and will be able to succeed in all their undertakings.
When Jupiter transits through the 8th house from the natal moon, the native will be experiencing lot of hardship during journey, will lose his/her liberty, suffer from all sorts of ailments which might cause death or fear of death to the native , over exertion and thereby severe fatigue.
During the gochara of Jupiter through the 9th house, the native will be full of authority, will beget male children, will succeed in all attempts, will be conferred with lot of wealth, both landed and other wealth, happiness with spouse and children etc.
When Jupiter transits through the 10th house from the natal moon, the native will lose his/her position and wealth, will not be able to succeed in any attempt, will lose health etc.
When Jupiter transits through the 11th house from the house where Chandra is positioned in the Horoscope, the native will get a good position , will be in sparkling health, will possess wealth , will
succeed in all attempts, will get promotions to a higher and distinguished post.
During the transit of Jupiter through the 12th House the native will get wealth through wrongful means, will be aggrieved due to their wrongful ways. Will suffer from fatigue due to long journey and will lead a miserable life.
The Above excerpts are not mine... I found it from a PDF file which i happend to browse through
hope it clarifies the transit effects of Jupiter or Gochara phala of Jupiter
ഏഴര ശനി , കണ്ടക ശനി ,അഷ്ടമത്തിൽ ശനി ഏഴര ശനി , കണ്ടക ശനി എന്നോകെ ഓരോരുത്തർ പറഞ്ഞു ഞാൻ ഒരുപാടു കേട്ടിടുണ്ട് , പക്ഷെ ഇപ്പോഴാണ് അവ എന്ത...
Sunday, May 26, 2013Some Common Terms in Jyothisham
Sunday, May 26, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
ഏഴര ശനി , കണ്ടക ശനി എന്നോകെ ഓരോരുത്തർ പറഞ്ഞു ഞാൻ ഒരുപാടു കേട്ടിടുണ്ട് ,
പക്ഷെ ഇപ്പോഴാണ് അവ എന്താണ് , അവയുടെ ഭവിഷ്യത്ത് എന്തൊക്കെ ആണ് , എന്നൊക്കെ അന്വെഷിക്കാൻ മിനക്കെട്ടതു
ഇതാണ് എന്റെ പുതിയ കടി .. ജോതിഷം കഴിഞ്ഞ ഒരു വര്ഷം ഞാൻ എന്നെ തന്നെ കൂടുതൽ productive ആക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള പ്ര്യത്നതിൽ ആയിരുന്നു.. I just freed...
Saturday, May 25, 2013So Into Astrology ...
Saturday, May 25, 2013 Unknown 1 Comments
കഴിഞ്ഞ ഒരു വര്ഷം ഞാൻ എന്നെ തന്നെ കൂടുതൽ productive ആക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള പ്ര്യത്നതിൽ ആയിരുന്നു.. I just freed my mind and tried to learn what my heart wanted me to learn.
ACE Presentation Guys , this is a presentation that created for Kamal , On behalf of Project ACE .. Its stil under wraps .. I really w...
Wednesday, May 15, 2013ACE Presentation
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
ACE Presentation
Guys , this is a presentation that created for Kamal , On behalf of Project ACE ..
Its stil under wraps .. I really wish it really got the recognition ..
My new Game IRONMAN SWIM ..:D GAME PLAY left and right arrow to move left/right keep pressing them then ironman becomes boyant ...
Monday, January 14, 2013Inganeyum oru Kadi ..!
Monday, January 14, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
My new Game
keep pressing them then ironman becomes boyant and goes out of game area
if u donot press them then iron man drownes..
simple ...
This is My first attempt in Game Programming .. and perhaps this will be my last attempt .. ! Click inside the layout and CONTR...
Thursday, January 10, 2013the Weird One
Thursday, January 10, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
Click inside the layout and CONTROL it with KEYBOARD L/R/U/D
if u happen to get into the top panel then plss do comment..!
Fucked Upp suddenly the whole universe began to conspire against me.. I think i'll forever stay as a LOSER ...! this ain't goi...
Thursday, January 10, 2013Y ooh God...??
Thursday, January 10, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
suddenly the whole universe began to conspire against me..
I think i'll forever stay as a LOSER ...!
this ain't going any where ..!
I should Move onn .. just like others.. !
I just realized that i'm quite a shy person .. afraid to take risks ..!
The More u Think More u get afraid .. !
how to start it all up .. i don't know ..!
I get a feeling that i was high throughout yesterday ..have i gone crazy last day ??
FUCK it. i don't know .. but i felt awesome to be on HIGH ..!
ഒരുപാടു നേരം ഞാന് ഇന്ന് ആലോചിച്ചു ..! U know what , i think properly and clearly when i'm on my bike ..! ഇന്ന് പക്ഷെ അവനും അങ്ങനെ ...
Wednesday, January 09, 2013The Most Important Day of My life ...!
Wednesday, January 09, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments
Am i Going the right way ..!
എന്റെ ഹൃദയം ഇത്രമ്മേല് കിടന്ന് പിടച്ച ചുരുക്കം ചില സന്ദര്ഭങ്ങളെ ഉള്ളു !
I'm gonna Start My Own Company
Absurd ..but the truth ..!
its a mountain .. but u gotto find a way thru it ..!
is an opportunity .. u gotto be brave ..
Jus live it .. and do it with all ur heart ..!
I can feel My heart pumping in and out ..!
this is what i like the most ..
this are the moments which is surely gonna get changed into memmories ..!
പിള്ളേരുടെ പ്രതികരണം രസം ആയിരന്നു..!
"പരീക്ഷ കഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടണേല് കെട്ടിടം പണിയാന് ഞാനും കൂടാം" എന്ന്
awesome .. alle ..!
Play Google Doodles here ..:) pls do share it .. :) Basket Ball ... i bet you know how to play it .. :D The ...
Tuesday, January 08, 2013അല്ലെ ?? എനിക്കെന്താ കമ്പനി തുടങ്ങിയ ?? കഴിവ് ഇല്ലേ ?? അല്ല .. ! സംസാരിച്ചു പിടിച്ചു നില്ക്കാന്നുള്ള കഴിവും ഉണ്ട് .. ?പിന്നെ ?? ...
Friday, January 04, 2013Hey Thanks for checking out my blog..!
I'm Jithin J Kumar,
Age : Kids nowadays have started calling me UNCLE..!
Hobbies : Running (as on 2017), Blogging (Since 2012), Astrology (for a few months in 2015), Travelling (as and when i feel stressed and have enough money to go for a trip with out any regrets). Well the point is my hobbies keep changing..!
Thoughts :
Exploring deep into the Quarter life crisis..! I scribble down all my thoughts over here,Sincere apologies if anything mentioned over here is making you uncomfortable.Do let me know you thoughts, would be happy to get to know you :)
Short Bio :
Working in Ernst & Young, as Account Coordinator,
Previously worked in couple of NGO's Belong Foundation & Make a Difference as a teacher.
Did Graduation from CEC in ECE & Post Graduation in Rajagiri Business School (PGDM in Marketing & Finance)
Now a member of Rotract Club of Cochin East..:)
Jazzi Unplugged (Tumblr Feed)
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